Monday, March 17, 2014

Offshore welder job on oil rig

Becoming an offshore welder is primarily a matter of experience and preparation; the opportunity is always there for those who are both prepared and diligent. If becoming a welder offshore is an ambition of yours, then there is a pretty set standard for what is needed to apply. Beyond that, however, if you go the extra mile and do what most others won't, your odds of getting hired go up by an order of magnitude. It is important to already have become a certified welder before applying to work offshore, and to preferably have a good deal of experience under your belt as well. The reason for this is that the offshore environment is challenging enough on it's own without having to pick up a new trade or skill 40 miles out at sea. Being certified shows a certain accomplishment and determination, which the contractors that service the rigs with welding services like to see. Article Source: