Sunday, March 15, 2015

Three Reasons People Leave Their Offshore Oil Rig Job

Are you considering working on an offshore oil rig? There are three things you might want to think about before choosing this career path. Too often people jump into a career before they have really thought about the future realities of their work. So before you take the leap onto an oil rig, you might want to pay attention to these three realities. This article will look at some primary reasons people leave an offshore oil rig job. If you want to learn more about this career, then check out the resource information in the bio-box below. Now let's examine three specific reasons people leave this chosen career path. Extended Stay From Home - One of the reasons people leave the oil fields is because it is difficult to be away from home so long. Most people live in a community where they can interact with family and friends on a daily bases. However, that's not true on an offshore oil rig. And unless you have had a similar working experience it is hard to imagine this challenge. So you may want to give some thought about your need for regular contact with family and friends. Confinement - In many respects, an oil rig is like a very small city in the middle of the ocean. You will have all the essential amenities to sustain life:...shelter, clothing and food. However, your mobility will be extremely limited. And unless you are on a traveling work crew, those who move from platform to platform, you will remain in one place for the duration of your work period. Some people compare this to being locked in a cage. A word to the wise is to consider your ability to deal with this restriction. Long Work Hours - Another challenge for many are the extended work hours. Some people have gotten accustomed to an eight hour work day. But on an offshore rig you can anticipate a regular work day to be twelve hours. This is standard in the industry. And there will be those times you may pull a double. So if you are not cut out for long hours, you might want to rethink this one. This article is not about discouraging you to stay clear from this career path. What it is doing is trying to help you avoid some great frustrations. For the right person, oil rig employment is a wonderful opportunity. It can afford you a lifestyle that others covet. If this is the right path for you, then check out the oil rig career opportunities below. If you want to make the money of some mid level managers, then check out oil rig jobs [] for those with no experience. There are offshore oil rig jobs [] waiting for you today.